The Church should excommunicate New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Not only because he has broken his marriage vows by “divorcing” his wife. Not only because he is cheating on his rightful wife by living with another woman. Not only because he has, presumably, continued to take communion while in a state of repeated mortal sin. Not only because he is in violation of nearly every Offense Against the Dignity of Marriage in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. No, while those mortal sins are bad enough (and frighteningly common in today’s world), the Church should excommunicate Governor Cuomo because on Tuesday he signed a bill into New York law firmly entrenching abortion on babies after 24 weeks in the womb for the mother’s health—a nebulous term that federal law has interpreted to mean virtually anything (for example, it includes a woman’s age). The Bill did other things, of course, but as a father to a preemie baby (born at 32 weeks), this part strikes me particularly hard.
Cardinal Dolan, please do everything in your power to excommunicate this purported Catholic. Offer him every chance for repentance and—if he balks—see to it that his is formally kicked out of our Church. I am offering my daily rosary today to Cardinal Dolan. Tomorrow’s will be for conversion to strike the hearts of those cheering this horror.
Note: In 2015, there were 93,096 abortions in New York–392 abortions for every 1,000 live births. In New York City, 32.8% of all babies were aborted in 2015. Think about that.

Rise up laity. Our voice will be heard.
Update: Now this from my wife, the day after this post:

Jan 27 update: Saw this on Rod Dreher’s blog:

Jan 28 update: Cardinal Dolan’s spokesman offered four general principles for excommunication here–although they won’t comment on Dolan specifically. Phil Lawler offers some good retorts here.
Wow. Powerful and horrifying to read. I wholeheartedly agree that he needs to be approached with the offer of repentance and mercy first, too.
Unbelievably sad. That this man purports to be a Catholic makes a mockery of the Faith. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will join you in saying a rosary for conversion and for Cardinal Dolan. Thank you for staying so laser focused in the work to build a beautiful world. May God bless you and your family.